No matter his age, Biden’s a proven winner

Dear Editor,

You can elect the 80-year-old Democrat in 2024, then vote for the
next-generation Democrat in 2028. Or you can vote for the 77-
year-old Republican in 2024, and then lose your right to vote!
Other world leaders’ ages: Malaysia’s 92. Cameroon’s 90’s. Sen.
Chuck Grassley 89. Lebanon’s 87. Norway’s 86. Saudi Arabia’s 86. Pope Francis 85. Kuwait’s 85. Namibia’s 81.

It isn’t about age, it’s about ability. President Biden’s outstanding
first term proves his abilities.

Watch YouTube: President Biden’s March 8 address. He spoke
strongly, clearly, on topic, gave many examples of how his
policies are helping people including, lowering inflation (now
fourth lowest in the world).

COVID: Slashed hospitalizations and death rates. Reopened all
K-12 schools.

Lowered Medicare drug costs, insulin $35 per vial max.

Taxes: No increase if earning under $400,000 per year.

Billionaires and billion dollar corporations upped to minimum

Jobs created: 12 million (800,000 manufacturing) jobs. More in
two years than any President in four.

Infrastructure: Largest investment in roads & bridges since
Interstate Highway system.

Biden cut deficit: First two years Biden cut the deficit over $1. 7
trillion, the largest decline in American history.

Trump increased deficit: Almost $2 trillion from unpaid-for tax
cut mostly for the wealthiest. The 10-year cost of legislation and
executive actions Trump signed into law … about $8.4 trillion
we’d have to pay back, with accruing interest. (https://www.crfb.
org/blogs/how-much-did-presidenttrump- add-debt)

Watch 2024 YouTube Trump rallies. See him rambling,
forgetting, bragging, whining, insulting, envying dictators and
promised to be one starting “Day One” if he wins this election.

Trump’s 2020 election loser’s record is: Four criminal
indictments (from four grand juries of 16-23 peers apiece), 91
criminal charges, recent loser in three civil trials (sexual assault,
defamation, business fraud) with $5 million, $83.3 million and
$450 million in fines, $100,000 interest accrued daily. Are we
going to keep supporting Trump? (Reference: here
are all the legal bills trump faces).

Child poverty: Biden cut in half in 2021, the lowest level in

Women and families: Trump brags about overturning Roe, cutting
our rights to our own bodies. Republicans already started to ban
in-vitro fertilization (“IVF”). Now they’re talking about taking
away birth control. Do you want financial responsibility for 14
kids like my husband’s birth family? Think about it. No birth
control? What will you/your family do?

Vote for Democrats. Re-elect President Biden 2024 to save
money and U.S. Democracy.

Natalie Lashmet
Copyright (c) 2024 Eagle Herald, Edition 3/15/2024

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